A Journey to the Strange World Beyond Our Screens

After more than a year of pandemic living, our lives have migrated online to a remarkable degree: we Zoom and tweet and Slack all day, then Netflix and Hulu ourselves to sleep. Now, as we emerge into a hopeful spring and summer, our challenge is to awaken the adventurous sides of ourselves that have gone dormant. In this episode, Chris Colin, author of the brilliantly funny new book Off: The Day the Internet Died, puts forth a simple solution: just start talking about all the awesome outdoorsy things we wish we were doing instead of staring at our devices. He explains how to make your way back to the strange and magical experiences that can only be found in the real world.

This episode of the Outside Podcast is brought to you by Lake Hartwell Country, a largely undiscovered region in the mountains of South Carolina that’s one of the best adventure playgrounds anywhere. Visit lakehartwellcountry.com to start planning your trip now.

by Outside Editors via Outside Magazine: All
