The Most Relatable Semi-Rad Illustrations of 2020

’Tis the season for the grand holiday tradition of looking back on all the fun stuff we’ve done in 2020 and gathering up the best of it. The images below are the best things I made with an iPad and an Apple Pencil over the past 12 months. For more stuff like this, follow me (@semi_rad) on Instagram.

From “No Friends on a Powder Day”

From “Winter Running Tips for Masochists”

From the book The Hard Truth: Simple Ways to Become a Better Climber, by Kris Hampton

From “Some Strava Features That Would Boost My Self-Esteem and General Morale”

From “A Psychologist Rates My Stress Strategies”

From “Running Is So Simple”

From “17 Training Myths, Addressed by a Running Coach”

From “The Story of My Life, in 12 Bicycles”

by Brendan Leonard via Outside Magazine: All
