How To Pick Kids Hiking Boots

Hiking is a great way for kids to get outside, exercise, and learn about nature first hand. However, when you are hiking with children you will have one "long" day if your kids are wearing uncomfortable boots that give them blisters. Little feet have special needs and when you set out to get kids hiking boots you should be looking for features that offer special protection for the smaller feet.

That is not to say that kids boots should have features that other boots do not have, just that there is a list of some things that you should always make sure your kids hiking boots have before you shell out your hard earned money.

Ankle Support

When you are assessing the quality of the kids hiking boots you want to look for is ankle support. Adult hiking boots have the support that goes up and around the ankle and, when tied properly, offers enough support so that if you happen to twist your ankle in a strange way when hiking they will hopefully reduce the possibility of injury.

Good kids boots should offer the same ankle support, but it may be a good idea to just check out the support before you buy the boots. Make sure the boot is tough and sturdy, has thick soles, a good inner lining, doesn't bend at the ankle, and can be laced up past the child's ankles.

Protection And Comfort

The reason you should look for boots with thick soles is because they will offer better protection from any rocks or jagged edges that the child may come in contact with. Kids are curious and can get into some hairy situations and weird places.

The boots they wear need to be able to protect them from anything they can come in contact with. Don't forget to waterproof the boots as well with a quality waterproofing spray to protect against the elements.

A very important aspect of kids hiking boots that many people forget is the inner lining. A soft, but thick inner lining is important in the boots to not only protect against the cold but to also offer shock protection for the feet and knees when the kids are jumping around from rock to rock or whatever they are doing.

Well made boot linings are extremely important and you should always make sure that the boots you buy have the best lining you can find. A thick lining also makes the boots more comfortable to wear and considering that hiking boots can get worn for extended periods of time under extreme conditions the more padding the better.

As stated earlier if your child gets hurt hiking or gets blisters because of poor quality boots you are not going to have a lot of fun. Also hiking is a serious sport and without the proper gear kids can get severely injured. That is why it is of vital importance to buy the highest quality kids boots that you can afford.

About the Author: Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from across the world sky-rocket their health and well-being. Rather than hitting your head against a wall trying to find unbiased health information let Brue take you by the hand and give you the best natural health information and resources on the web. Visit to learn more.


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