How to Camp and Enjoy Nature

Camping is fun, recreational, and a great way to spend time with your family. Since we are always indoors, camping is a great way to get back outdoors and stay healthy. Recent studies show that we are becoming ill more often because we are spending more and more time indoors. Companies are seeking ways to plant plants and other outdoor nature inside office buildings so their employees do not get sick.

Some people camp almost entirely indoors, but how can you enjoy the nature surrounding you if you are inside? Get outdoors, bring your family camping and enjoy the nature. Enjoy the outdoors.

Nature Walks -

Going on a nature walk while you are camping is a perfect way to explore the world around you and enjoy the outdoors. Make sure you are camping on a site that has a well traveled trail so you can go on a nature walk safely without getting lost.

Before you decide to go on a nature walk you will need to be prepared, even if it is just a ten minute walk. Everyone will need to be dressed well, covering everything as much as possible. This will reduce the amount of bug bites you get and the possibility of bringing a tic back. Bug spray will also help. Sneakers or boots are best - no sandals or other shoes that allow your ankles or feet to stick out.

Bring a book guide with you for nature walks so you can identify what you find. This will be fun for the whole family. You should be able to find a wide variety of flowers, plants, trees, frogs, bugs, slugs (kids love these), deer beds, and maybe even more!

You might want to also take along some binoculars for bird and animal watching, a camera to take pictures of anything you find interesting! A backpack is ideal for carrying everything that you would need on a nature walk. Some even find that taking a digital recorder works well to record those wondrous sights of nature.

When traveling along a nature trail, it is always wise to use the buddy system. This makes sure that no one is lost or left behind. This works well in all camping situations when someone could accidentally get lost or left behind. This also works well in other situations involving camping. Hiking on nature trails are ideal for the buddy system whether it is a family or a small group of people.

Camping in General -

When camping outside, it is best to be prepared with all that you will need for a camping expedition. This includes tents and sleeping bags, food and cookware, a source of water, flint for making fires, sand to put them out. You will also need any medicine that is taken, bug repellant and all other equipment that will be needed to make your campsite a safe one. Safety should always be priority one for anyone camping in the outdoors.

When camping, make your site near a stream or very close to traveled paths. This will help you in the event that you do become lost. You can be located much faster this way, than if you were camped off the beaten path.

Camping is a fun vacation and memories of sitting around the campfire toasting marshmallows and singing songs is a way to ensure pleasant memories. It is also a good way to get back in touch with nature.

A word of caution when it comes to wild animals: Don't go anywhere near them or feed them. Keep all food enclosed in animal proof containers. Many a camper has been injured by either blundering into a wild animal's territory, or feeding the animals. In the last case, they are mauled when the animals turn on them. If you blunder into a wild animal's territory, back away very slowly and make no sudden moves. A sudden move can cause say a snake to strike you. Look under logs and watch where you put your feet. This will help you avoid a wild animal problem when camping.

By taking this all into consideration, your camping trip and enjoyment of nature should go off without a hitch. Nature is full of splendor and wonder. She should be enjoyed in all her natural beauty. This is also a perfect way to bond with family and friends. The memories of a camping trip do last a lifetime, and can be told as stories to other generations.
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About the Author: William "Cole" Doggett is a knife expert and owns an Internet knife shop, Knife & Supply Company, LLC at His website is devoted to all things Pocket Knife and Discount Camping Supplies. Stop by!
